
Alla inlägg den 14 november 2010

Av Lisbeth Jacobsen - 14 november 2010 18:01

We use to take photos of our kittens every Sunday, and today is a normal Sunday so here they come! The battery was low on power and there was no time to recharge it and they take some pics of the kittens because we have twilight here for the most of the day. So the pics was not the best, but I hope that you will be indulgent with me  when it comes to the quality of the pics  

We have had one box for each mother to her and her litter for them to be in, but they have only used one at the time so today we removed the second box. Both mothers and all 7 kittens are in the same box, and the kittens goes between them.


Ko Phi Phi Lee


Ko Tarutao


Ko Samui



Ko Kham Yoi


Thundercats are 5 weeks old tomorrow and they are quite active! They climb, runs and even jumps!







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