
Alla inlägg den 3 mars 2010

Av Lisbeth Jacobsen - 3 mars 2010 19:24

  The work with our web site goes on and soon the site is finished! We are looking forward to present the English version of the site   

We have a very harmonic group of cats now, they play, eat, sleep and runs together. They are just happy and cuddly, and we do hope this will continue. But we know from experience that this can suddenly change when to fertile males live in the same group. Mufasa and Joker are so close now and after Læstefar came home again the three boys fooles around just like teen-aged boys do. Our plan is to show the boys on several catshows this spring and summer, and two of the girls too. It is very easy to attend on shows when the cats get along nicely, but if Mufasa and Joker suddenly looks on eachother as rivals, we know that it can be impossible to drive around in the north of Norway and Sweden and sleep over in small cabins or hotelrooms. But for now everything is harmonic, and we pray for it to continue!

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