
Alla inlägg den 13 mars 2012

Av Lisbeth Jacobsen - 13 mars 2012 13:15

I got some fantastic news today when I brought Lion-O to the vet`s. The first results of the testing for Tritrichomonas Fuetus came today by phone, and the 2 cats that tested positive for this paracite earlier this winter, has tested negative after the treatment with Ronidazole  Now we are waiting for the result of the rest of the cats. Hopefully they will also have the same result on their tests.

I took Lion-O to the vet`s because he needed a rabies shot, and at the same time I got a documentation that he has no defects (sternum, tail) and that his testicles are where they are suppused to be   I think that this would be rather ok for Gianni to know before Lion-O is moving to Italy. If some of the testes for TF come back as positive, he will of course not move anywhere before all our cats are tested and found negative after a new round of treatment. We have also planned to go to some cat-shows this spring, but that will only be possible if all cats are negative

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