
Alla inlägg den 27 mars 2012

Av Lisbeth Jacobsen - 27 mars 2012 23:07

Yes, some people do think so   After all we got several thousands Nkr for just one little kitten    The reality is far from that! If I take a fast trip 1 year back I shure can tell you that here has been some great amounts of money on my bankaccount - going out to vets   The last litter in our cattery was born in September 2011, 5 healthy and strong kittens! And the money starts running out on their birthday. Mama Puma could not manage to get the first baby out, so I have to go to the vets for help. The kitten was born at the vets office - and the bill was nearly 4000 Nkr (529 Euro/£443/698$). After a few days the kittens suddenly started to fade, and off to the vets. 1000 Nkr + medicine (200-300 Nkr?).  One kitten died the day after the birth, another after a few days. Kitten no. 2 was sent to authopsy - 1200 Nkr. Change of medicine for the kittens - 200 Nkr. 3rd kitten suddenly very ill, off to the vets where she got some fluid under her skin and the vet tried to place a probe in her stomach. Not a succes - bill somewhere around Nkr 1000. The little one was a bit better for å few hours but then it turned again. Off to vet, more fluid under the skin, back home. Next day off to Bodø (80 km one way)where the little one was having a probe and fed in addition to more fluid under her skin and through a line in her neck in addition to another line which she got the medicine through. They worked with her for several hours and she was better. The vets ment that we would not be able to give her the care she needed and one from the staff brought her home with her and cared for her the whole weekend. Sadly the girl died, and she was sent to authopsy. The bill? A lot of money! If I sum up the bills from the vets on this litter we are talking about Nkr 30000++.

We have had Giardia among our cats, and needed to hire some who could help ut cleaning and desinfect our house in addition to wash everything possible. 2 and sometimes 3 women every second day during several weeks. I do not know how much we payed in total, but it is a lot! And we have replaced every catfurnitures, beds, litterboxes, toys...

Testing for Giardia several thousands.....

And when the Giardia was gone we discovered that another "guest" has moved in - the Tritrichomonas Foetus Paracite! To get rid of this we needed to import Ronidazole and only this medicine for our cats costs Nkr 10000. The tests for this paracite was Nkr 500 but the lab changed their fee when our tests was on their way to the lab. Today I picked up the bill for the tests that was done after the medication  Nkr 5000........ Now we have to treat them a second time since some of them was positive. This time we are lucky - we only need to buy a scale, capsules and a machine to make capsules with - only Nkr 1500. We get the Ronidazole for free. And now we have to do some construtionwork at home to make enclosures for the cats during treatment, the time they have to wait between medication and gathering the stool for tests and while waiting for the results on the tests. These tests I guess will cost at least 10000 Nkr since we have to identify who of the cats that are negative and who are positive......

When ending the project "get rid of the TF" I think we have used somewhere around Nkr 100000 this last year. And we have 2 kittens to sell.... If we got Nkr 5000 for each of them it will be 10% of the extraordinary costs. And then we have not talked about shots, food, advertising, insurance...... Yes we are rich as breeders but that is love and affection, not money   

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